Casting Producer - Salt & Lime Media (Facebook)
August 2019 - September 2019
Casting as a Casting Producer for Facebooks #MoreTogether Campaign in Germany. Down below you can find a promotional video.
Webdesign - AL Page
August 2018 - July 2019
Development and design or a wordpress-website for a Musician and Writer. This website contains a music player, a shopping and newsletter system and much more.
Production Assistant - Eccholine (Ninja Warrior Duisburg)
April 2019 - May 2019
Work as a Production Assistant on Set of Ninja Warrior Germany 2019 in Duisburg, Germany. Down below you can find a promotional video, as this particular production is not published yet.
Content Video Production - Viously
April 2018 - August 2018
Production (Pre-Production to Release) of about 50 short entertaining videos for an online-platform. Every video has a length of about 2-3 minutes and was marketed online.
Video for National Diversity Awards UK - Anna Smith Higgs
July 2018
Post Production and editing of different existing interview footage. This video was produced for and shown at the National Diversity Awards in London.
Video Production - AL Page
April 2018 - July 2018
Production (Pre-Production to Release) of different episodes for a documental Series. These are used to advertise the music album “BLUE”, in which AL Page gets musicians together from all over the world.
Webvideo Editing - Praxis mit Erfolg
March 2018 - April 2018
Post Production and final cut of webinar sessions, produced to improve personal skills and reach personal goals.
Unfortunately those videos are not available to the public.
Concert Recording - Erik Thoma
January 2018
Shooting a concert by Erik Thoma. The footage was separated and cut into each different song to use on social media.
Music Video - Erik Thoma
January 2018
A very interesting music video project. In cooperation with Erik Thoma, we went on a hike through the beautiful town of Freiburg. This is a 30-minute OneTake music video, which even national newspapers were interested in.
Feature Film Production
October 2016 - August 2017
Production of a feature film, based on a popular german novel. Development and shooting was based in different locations in the Black Forrest.
Concert Recording - Erik Thoma & AL Page
April 2017
Recording of a duo concert of Erik Thoma and AL Page.
Webvideos - Zoo Burkart
February 2016 - June 2016
Production (Pre-Production to Release) of web videos made for marketing purposes. This was made for a local pet shop.
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